Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Remember When?

I was out running errands today with one of my sons and, as I sometimes do, started randomly flipping channels on the radio. I can across one of my favorite songs by Alan Jackson - Remember When? I don't know what it is about that song, but EVERY time I hear it - I cry like a baby. Well, I actually do know what it is... the songs talks about a couple and their journey together and their journey with their children. To me, the message of the song is about enjoying the moment we are in and treasuring it all - the good and the bad. Some days we get so caught up in the craziness of life that we don't enjoy the gift of life that God has given us. One day, if we are not careful, we will look back and wish we had spent more time playing in the floor with our children or sitting on the couch holding hands with our husband, instead of worrying about things that are not important. I guess that is my thought for today - let's all make everyday worth remembering. Cherish every moment!


Leilanni said...

You are SO right . . .and that song always makes me cry, too. :-) Like you said it's so easy to get caught up in the "busyness" of life and miss all the little things that are really so important!

I miss seeing you, too!! You've been on my mind lately . . .I'll give you a call sometime soon and we can catch up :-)

da momma said...

im following you :) fun to be with you this weekend... whitney